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The Tree in the Sacred Center of the Garden of Eden

Book of Moses Essay #61 Moses 3:9 With contribution by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw One thing that has always perplexed readers of Genesis is the location of the two special trees in the Garden of Eden. The Hebrew phrase corresponding to “in the midst” means literally “in the center.” Although scripture

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The Willing and Unwilling Sons in the Council in Heaven

Book of Moses Essay #60 Moses 4:1-4 With contribution by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw After a rapid sweep across the vast panorama of the Creation and the Garden of Eden in Moses 2-3, the scope narrows and the narrative slows to a more measured pace in Moses 4—and with good reason,

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Satan’s Original Glory and the Symbols of Kingship

Book of Moses Essay #59 Moses 4:1-4 With contribution by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw In this Essay, we will explore how William Blake’s masterpiece describes Satan in his original glory. One can see in his perverse appropriation of the symbols of kingship not only his selfish aspiration to God’s own power,

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God Instructs Adam and Eve

Book of Moses Essay #57 Moses 3:15-17 With contribution by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw In this Essay, we review the instructions given to Adam and Eve: the commandments to be fruitful and multiply and not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge; the instruction for Adam to cleave to Eve, the

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The Naming of Animals, Angels, Adam, and Eve

Book of Moses Essay #56 Moses 3:19–20, 23; 4:26 With contribution by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw In the depiction of the Garden of Eden above, Jan Brueghel the Elder masterfully fills the foreground of the scene with the abundance, happiness, and beauty of newly created life. From there, however, he skillfully

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Spiritual Creation

Book of Moses Essay #54 Moses 3:5-7 With contribution by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw This magnificent painting by Gaetano Previati shows the heavenly hosts as part of the light that appeared at the beginning of Creation. Some ancient sources assert that the heavenly hosts — variously described as including the angels,

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El libro que nos concierne se le nombró a propósito "La Perla de Gran Precio", ese término es... la designación de un tesoro escondido e inagotable. Al estar oculto, debe ser buscado y desenterrado, sacado de las profundidades por los esfuerzos extenuantes y determinados de quien sea que los haya poseído. Siendo inagotablemente basto, nunca podrá dejar de ser una fuente de nuevas maravillas para la mente curiosa... La Perla de Gran Precio es única entre las Escrituras en que su mensaje está disponible solo en la medida en que los hijos de Dios elijan hacerlo así, pero al mismo tiempo es capaz de transmitir conocimiento de alcance y significado inconcebible.

– Hugh Nibley, "A New Look at the Pearl of Great Price," Improvement Era, May 1970, 94.